WWKIP at The Purple Purl

In a few short weeks, I’ll be moving to Toronto. This past weekend I did a quick trip there and back (swearing for most of the 5+ hour drive that my next car will have air conditioning) to look at apartments, and I’m happy to say I found one. I also stopped by The Purple Purl, whose annual Knit in Public event coincided with my arrival in the GTA. I brought a knitting project and a drop spindle, of course, and joined the gathering in a nice park in Leslieville.

I was the only one spinning, as most of the attendees were working on projects to benefit Streetknit. I had to decline because I couldn’t meet the project deadline (thanks again for the convenient strike, Canada Post), but got a fair bit of work done on my started-last-winter-legwarmers and some spinning up of a Projekt B roving I picked up in Montreal in December. I’d been wanting to spin a really high-quality Merino since I finished my Focused-and-Distracted skein last fall, and Projekt B fit the bill.

I had a lot of fun interacting with the Purple Purl regulars, not to mention the lovely owners. We talked about vintage magazines, spinning (of course), neighbourhoods in Toronto, and I’m fairly sure Battlestar Galatica got a mention in there too. There were also some door prizes, one of which I picked up for being the furthest travelled of the group:

I was almost out of Soak anyway, so score. Thanks, Purple Purl… can’t wait to come back in a few weeks!

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