Category Archives: spinning wheel

Aurora Yarn

At last, I finished spinning the aurora batt. This project came about through a series of events that involve hand-thrown pottery, the northern lights as seen from Ontario, a Boston convent, and one of my spinning classes in Toronto. It … Continue reading

Posted in finished object, Spinning, spinning wheel | 4 Comments

Spinning the aurora batt

I rarely take on commission spinning projects. Given the amount of work involved, it’s very difficult to charge a fair price (for me) that is also not astronomical for the customer. Once in a while, however, something comes along that … Continue reading

Posted in Spinning, spinning wheel | 5 Comments

Canadian Production Wheel

Also known as a CPW, this kind of wheel was made in Quebec in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with its main features being a large drive wheel, iron fittings, and a tilt tensioning system. These old wheels … Continue reading

Posted in canadian production wheel, ravelry, Spinning, spinning wheel, vintage | 35 Comments