How many yards in this skein? Time for some MATH

I’m now a semi-frequent recipient of Chinese yarn, which is notorious for listing only the weight of the skein/ball on the label, and not the yardage. Chinese patterns seem to rely on weight-based requirements rather than the Western preference for yardage, so deciding whether the following heap of fine merino is enough to make Alcomar can be tricky:








I thought I might grab a clever little tool called a yarn balance, which helps you calculate yardage per weight of a particular yarn, but at $54 each, uhhhh… no thanks.

Fortunately, intrepid knitters before me have published a set of instructions for a DIY yarn balance, and I will quickly be acquiring the scrap bits of bamboo and plastic to make my own. I suspect that there’s about 400 yards in each 100g skein, given its light fingering weight, but I’ll report back once there’s been some sciencing…


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