First finished adult-sized sweater. Ever.








After a lot of calculation, frogging, and reknitting, I finally finished my Rocky Coast Cardigan. I knit every section of this cardigan at least twice, with much annoyance and knitting math involved. It’s probably the largest project I’ve ever knit, given my general preference for smaller items (ripping out and reknitting a sleeve on a baby sweater is no big deal, on a full-sized adult sweater… that’s another story). If anything, it’s motivated me to start designing or at least heavily modifying patterns. I have a better idea now of what works for me and what is going to fit poorly.








For those of you planning to knit the pattern, I highly recommend making the changes suggested in the errata for the yoke and upper arm. That was the main change I made, as well as changing the decreases (every 8 rows instead of every 10) in the sleeves to end up with a narrower cuff and longer length. I knit the 43″ size, to give several inches of positive ease with a looser, more comfortable fit.







The yarn is Fiddlesticks Luscious Tweed, a merino-silk blend from here in Toronto. I think the cabling looks nicer in a smooth yarn, but I love the colours in the tweed. It’s a very warm yarn, really a bit too warm for the spring day when the photos were taken but will be nice in the evenings when the temperature dips down. This yarn was originally planned for another project that got shelved when I realized there would be even more calculation needed for the right fit than I ended up doing for Rocky Coast.






Thanks to The Blue Brick for the lovely photos.

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9 Responses to First finished adult-sized sweater. Ever.

  1. Michelle says:

    Sounds like a nightmare! But it’s turned out to be pretty spectacular so I’m sure it’s all worth it now. The colour is gorgeous.

  2. Lynn says:

    Absolutely STUNNING! You did a beautiful job. The photography is wonderful too! xo

  3. Aubrey says:

    Great job! The frogging and reknitting were definitely worth it. I also really dig the photography!

  4. kristieinbc says:

    I’m sure it was frustrating while you were in the midst of having to rip parts of the sweater out, but the result is beautiful! I love the pattern and the colour – they both suit you really well!

  5. Amy says:

    Sounds like a lot of work, but it’s a beautiful finished piece! Hopefully you get a lot of use out of this cardigan!

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